Thursday, February 14, 2008

THIS is Hilarious

This guy, Guy Ben-Ner, shot an "installation" (I think that's fancy talk for "short artsy film") called Stealing Beauty featuring himself and his family... take a look at the description:

"Stealing Beauty" was shot without permission at numerous IKEA stores around New York, Berlin and Tel Aviv. In the movie the Ben-Ners quite naturally inhabit idealized showroom interiors with price tags dangling from furniture, and shoppers occasionally interrupting the family's daily routines. Because of the hit-and-run filming, the traditional cinematic continuity is abandoned and the changing sets are stand-ins for their home. The narrative, however, remains linear as the father offers life lessons on the subjects of economic exchange, meaning of private property, ethics, and family love eventually leading to the children's rebellious manifesto.

I am sure I am supposed to take this all seriously and consider the impact of themes concerning "ownership" and "continuity" and other highbrow theories. But I just can't (though I haven't see the installation). I mean, take a look at the promo photos:

The one in the robe kills me... imagine picking out your Ektorp sofa at Ikea and seeing this guy, Guy, and his family, shooting a scene in one of the fake bedrooms. Excellent.

Learn more here:

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