Two days ag0 (Tuesday?) I got to visit with Ulrika and her two adorable kids, Samuel and Tilda. We went to the sand box in the Vondelpark and had ourselves a good ole time, except for Tilda who is suffering from the chicken pox. Oh and also except for the crazy Oma (grandmother) who kept yelling at her grandson at every turn. Well, when he hit Samuel over the head with a shovel for no apparent reason maybe he did deserve it. But I felt bad for the little boy anyway.
It is amazing to see Ulrika as a mommy... she was often my drinking buddy (and her husband as well) while I lived here and when I left was only just pregnant with her first... and now she has TWO! Here are a few photos from playing in the sand...

Afterwards Ashbloem and I met up wtih Tom for some lunch and a few beers. It was great just to sit in the sun and take it easy. Later that day Tom was hit on his bike by a guy on a scooter who wasn't paying attention. Thankfully he was just bumped and bruised... still well enough to meet up later for drinks.

I will have to post other photos, including my day trip yesterday with Matthijs to the Kruller-Moller museum and Enkhuizen later. I don't want to spend the entire last day here sitting in front of the computer blogging away.....
oooh, the Kruller-Moeller. I went there in March and it was v. nice. I had a lekker cupje koffie after perusing the van goghs and bought some cool stuff in the gift shop. Did u like it?
That crazy Oma was CRAY-Zeee.
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