Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The sun came in and all was well

This weekend was just marvelous! The sun was shining and it was actually warm! My skin was in shock to be outside and not burried underneath 15 layers of wool. I made the most of it: got my bike tuned up, rented a Zipcar and made a run to Target, and best of all went to a bbq at Anne and Dabney's where all we did was lounge in the sun, drink tasty beverages, and take turns playing the ukulele. Here's a shot of Ashlee and Anne singing with bliss.

But now it is back to work, and boy am I working! This week is kicking my ass and it is only Tuesday. Grr. But alas. Alas I can dream of sitting in the sun on a lovely South End patio with a cool bloody mary and a few lovely ladies...


ann & dabney said...

God, that pic is HILARIOUS. Ah, good times...

ann & dabney said...

I almost fell of my chair when I saw this.