More and more I wish there was someone next to me I could nudge when I see something really spectacular like the G-string wearing roller-blader frequently seen zooming his way around Amsterdam with his ass cheeks exposed--even in the dead of winter. I knew this trip was going to be amazing, which it truly was, and I am sad that once again there won't be someone I can ring up in 10 years and say, "Hey, remember that time in St. Petersburg...". You know what I mean?
I arrived in London happy as a clam to be back in my favorite city. Our hotel was right next to the Tower Bridge, the one everyone thinks is London Bridge:

This was a great area to stay in, as the warf along the Thames has been recently rennovated and full of fun bars and restaurants. Time was short in London... just enough for me to get a UK SIM card for my cell phone, have dinner, and a good night sleep before heading with our group to meet the ship in Harwich the next morning.
Seeing the Jewel of the Seas for the first time takes your breath away-- it is so HUGE! Check in was quick and before I knew it I was checking out my little inside cabin on the 3rd deck. Just enough space for a double bed, small couch, a closet, mini-bar, desk/dresser, and private bathroom. I've mentioned before the proportions of the ship and some of the amenities. But knowing there is a miniature golf course on the ship and actually SEEING it are two totally different things.
Here is a shot of the big white behemouth parked in Tallinn:
I never thought I would like taking a cruise (after working on a small cruise ship for a year). But it really wasn't as tasteless and tacky as I thought it would be. Except for all the casio piano light jazz renditions of "The Greatest Love of All" and "My Endless Love". I could have done without that. I didn't go into any of the shows, and spent minimal amounts of time in the casino, so I guess my exposure to the truely tasteless was rather limited. In retrospect, that was probably a mistake.
Well, that's all for today. Tomorrow I will talk about the first port of call: OSLO!
I've always wondered what the water in the bath is like on those big ships - I don't suppose it moves a great deal except from body displacement
I found this blog through ashbloem
I've been reading back and catching up. MJ the dating person - it was was hard to figure out if he was a man or a woman from his post. His gender kept changing every paragraph.
As a curiousity, you might like to take a look at this artist's work.
he submitted a profile to a dating agency and then he framed the responses and held an exhibition.
He sold the works for a lot of money but your response from MJ is worth infinitely more - it is priceless.
If you ever want to make a few bucks you can have an exhibition in Boston!
Tell the gallerist that the exhibition offers 'a textual narrative detailing the alienation of the individual and dislocations of interpersonal codes of communcation in a post-modern urban society,' - he/she will slap a few thousand dollars on the wall beside each framed response and, viola! you'll be back in Rome in no time.
I just checked that link.
You have to click on 'artists'
and then go to MUTLU ÇERKEZ
he a Turkish Cypriot from Australia. His girlfriend is an old friend of mine.
thank you for commenting and the link! I have been keeping all the "good" responses (by which I mean truly bizarre, crazy, and straight-jacket worthy) in a safe place for future use. They are just too priceless to discard!
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