My trip was AMAZING and I will start posting photos soon of my adventures. The highlight was definitely St. Petersburg, Russia mostly because it was so different than any place I had ever traveled to before.
More to come soon!!
Come. Sit. Talk to me of worldly things. Of lipgloss and tulips and what is going on beyond our computer screens. Here there are pictures and words both thoughtful and mundane. We explore, trade, seek, question and reminisce. This is Interravision.
1) Make sure the tour goes well (observe)Here is a map of the itinerary:
2) Interact with the clients (schmooze)
3) Report back to our sales team what the highlights and selling
points are for this tour (eat, drink, and be merry).
The ship, The Jewel of the Seas, is so enormous I can't even believe she floats. The passenger capacity is just over 2500 people, which is slightly larger (ummm 1900 more people larger) than the ship I sailed on with Semester at Sea. The ship includes:
The only sad thing is that I can't take any friends/family with me (since it is in the name of work and all), so surely I will be hanging out a lot with the tour director leading this group, David W.-- a fine british chap who I met while in London in March. But hell, with 2500 people aboard, I am sure I can find a friend or two who will sit next to me at the slot machines. I know I have been lucky to have traveled to so many amazing places... but I feel like I am always wishing there was someone next to me to nudge and say, "Hey! Look at THAT!". Maybe I should just start nudging random strangers.
I am most looking forward to our 2 days in St. Petersburg, Russia (not Florida). ST.P. has always been high on my list of places to go. I could spend both full days walking around the Hermitage, but time will be short so I will have to make the most of it.
The VERY GOOD news is that plans are now underway for my trip to see U2 in Amsterdam in July. I was lucky enough to win roundtrip tickets to Europe on Air France at a company function a little while ago, so I have cashed them in and am bringing Ashlee with me. We leave on July 13th, I just got the etickets 10 minutes ago. Only 64 days to go!
Speaking of Amsterdam, I have really been missing it lately, so knowing a visit in the near future is really lifting my mood. Maybe it is because I am reading a book called My 'Dam Life: Three Years in Holland by Sean Condon right now. It's not the best book I've read, but his expat stint in Amsterdam took place around the same time that I lived there, so reading the book has made me a bit nostalgic.
I am looking forward to two weeks away from my desk, and I will hopefully have some time to recharge my batteries and shake off my winter blues. By the time I get back June is here, and that means summer! While away, I plan to read a lot, relax a lot, get a few massages, see some amazing new places, eat some food, work it off, get gussied up during the three formal dinners, and flirt with random strangers. Life is good.
Go to the site and vote WHICH kitty is the cutest. Then they then rank the cats from cutest....
This is how Jinx has performed in 54 battles:
Won: 42 (78%)
Lost: 7 (13%)
Drawn: 5 (9%)
This is how Scary Cat has performed in 1669 battles:
Won: 196 (12%)
Lost: 1311 (79%)
Drawn: 162 (10%)
To quote George W., "It's hard work" choosing which kitty is really the cutest... since even the ugly ones are really actually cute too. Awww. Kitty.
Neutrogena® MicroMist™ Tanning Sunless Spray applies like a professional airbrush spray for an all over worry-free, "just back from the beach tan." this revolutionary, ultra-fine mist covers evenly, for easy, no-rub application. The one-touch continuous spray works at any angle to tan hard-to-reach places—even your back. It dries fast and won't clog pores. Now, random streaks, missed spots and orange palms are a thing of the past. Dries in 5 minutes. Oil-free. Non-comedogenic (won't clog pores).
I'll be honest, it was the "no rub application" description that sold me. SO, there I am in my little bathroom, naked (duh, funny how it doesn't work if you actually have clothes on), and trying to spray the MicroMist™ evenly over my pasty white body. Just when I am getting the the hard
part-- the back-- my smoke alarm starts blaring.
For a moment I didn't know what to do... move and I might wreck my paint job (uh-oh, better get Maaco!). Stay still and I might have to face an angry neighbor beating down my door to see if I am OK and who instead finds me stark naked standing there like a deer caught in the headlights. But hopefully with a damn good tan. Tricky stuff, trying to be a bronze goddess. In the end I ran into the living room (convinced that once again scary man in the office across the street staring into my windows), grabbed my jean jacket and started swinging it wildly over my head in the direction of the alarm trying to get some fresh air into it.
Several hours later, I still looked like a rejected zebra with the knees and elbows of an elephant. Damn you MicroMist™ !
Monday and Tuesday I had to go to a work-sponsered management seminar where I supposedly learned new managerial skills through the following activities:
1) Art Contests
2) Skits involving: singing, dancing, and show tunes
3) Shots
4) Drinking songs sung in foreign languages at the top of our lungs
5) Presentations on, "I am different because..." (oooh, so many ways to answer that one!)
6) Heated discussions on who should be on the bus
That brings us more or less up to date.... so there you go!
*For goodness sake, if you set a plate of huge chocolate cake, un-ordered and un-requested I might add, in front of 3 tipsy girls.... it goes against human nature to then actually make them pay for it. Am I crazy?