Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day: 12:12pm

Upon arrival to the office this morning, my GOP boss and I had about a 30 minute discussion about the election, electoral history, and the state of general awareness on issues among the voting population (and lack thereof). Though we differ in our views, our discussions are generally friendly and informative. I was surprised to learn that he spent the greater part of his life as a democrat. Huh. Don't know what turned him, probably Regan.

My colleague just sent me this article: Rove Predicts Obama Landslide


Almost all of my officemates have voted, 3 for Obama, 1 for Nader and 1 for McCain. 2 others have not voted, and word on the street is that they won't be voting at all. It takes all I have not to walk into that office and say, "Yo, what's up with that?"

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