My day is always unpredictable and full of different projects-- not that much different than a typical day at EF in that regard. But that's probably where the similarities end.
Working for a small family-run company has it's advantages. There is a disturbingly small amount of red tape to cut through. I am learning that when a decision needs to be made, regardless of category or importance, it's a-OK that I go right ahead and make the decision. No deparment heads, no meetings, no checking in with the President who is invariably off in another country drinking wee cups of vodka or espresso. Just get it done. I find myself writing copy, setting pricing, negotiating contracts, selling itineraries, donating photography (my own, naturally), hiring staff, analyzing deals, setting budgets, contracting groups, ordering supplies, planning marketing efforts, and yadda.
Breaking News! I am hitting up Aberdeen and Edinburgh for a trade show next month! My first visit to Scotland! Damir is hopefully going to meet me for a long romantic weekend there in Edinburgh, it's too good of an opportunity for us to pass up even though the ticket isn't exactly cheap. But, we've both been dying to go there a long time so bring on the haggis*!
MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED! Did I mention it before? I am so freaking excited about it! I also happen to be la Maide d'Honour. Sweet! I haven't even been a bridesmaid before, so I feel a little like I jumped to the head of the line. Um, what am I supposed to do? I am not really sure other than get people to do what she needs them to do... like the sales assistant at Macys last week when I went with her to Register. Erin needed a little on-the-spot internet research and the Sweet Little Ole Lady took us to the registry desk and attempted to follow Erin's instructions. It went like this:
Erin: OK, so open up google.SLOL: umm..............................................ok.
Erin: Type in "betty whatitsname sheets" [sorry, I don't remember the name now, but it's not really relavant to the story]
SLOL: that?
Erin: No. It's "betty whatitsname sheets"SLOL: Betty? Like this?
Erin: No not quite...As I noticed bead of sweat starting to form on dear sister's forehead, I jumped in for the rescue!
Maide d'Honour: I am sorry to interupt, SLOL, may I make a gentle suggestion? Get the hell out of the chair and let my sister do the search. It will be faster for us all for the love of all things holy, like the sacrament of marriage.**
And so she did. And all was well.
*Can someone please tell me what the hell haggis is?
** I was a little nicer than that about it, I swear.